If you need to record the component serial numbers confined in finished good things to abide by item recall requirements within your industry, you probably possess a manual method to achieve this, or have cobbled together several homemade program (Excel, Access) to achieve it. Probably would not this seem sensible for getting your online accounting software or ERP system does it, mainly since is where the fundamental info about goods and item dealings are located? Numerous products just are not equipped to make it happen easily.
Dynamics GP Online Great Plains has built in capability to track serial numbers from item receipt, through manufacturing, and out to the customer or other end user. If you have an item that is controlled by serial number or lot number, you cannot move that item within the Dynamics GP ERP system without designating the appropriate serial number or lot number associated with the item.
If you are also using the manufacturing module in Dynamics GP you have the ability to track component items by serial number or lot number that are consumed in the manufacturing process like cloud accounting. You can specifically identify and link specific component serial numbers and lot numbers to finished good item serial numbers and lot numbers. This provides you with a robust audit trail of serialized and lot controlled items.
You will discover devoted query screen within Dynamics GP and online accounting software to locate the data easier.
You can additionally track serialized items to end users that are not your customers by using the Equipment Card functionality in Dynamics GP online business software.
MyGPcloud connected client to cloud accounting, by simply each of the standard connection factors. Find more info on dynamic GP at - http://www.mygpcloud.com
Article Source: http://onlineaccountingsoftware.posterous.com/online-business-software-dynamics-gp-is-undou