Friday, 19 October 2012

MY GP Cloud Applications Accessible Anywhere

Hosted web based accounting software options let you as well as your staff to get into your organization solutions from anywhere you have access to the internet, and on various platforms.

Available via Internet

Hosted options by MY GP cloud permit your business systems to be easily deployed around the world. Your hosting provider deploys your system in the boundaries of a well-secured and managed connection to your data. Forced password modifications and user add/change/delete providers ensure your users are well authenticated before they accessibility your system. Regular virus defence and attack detection keep your data is safe from outside risks.

Available on PC and Mac

Various deployment techniques will let you access your business systems from various kinds of devices. MY GP cloud states, whether you use PC, Mac, or iPads, you can get easy access to your data. This allows your users to use the devices they prefer and the devices that fit their job requirements.

Having your hosted web based accounting software accessible from anywhere will make you and your employees more productive.

For additional information with regards to online accounting software and Online Great Plains check out -

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Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Online Financial Software Minimizing Even more IT Resources

My GP cloud's online business software programs are working on lowering or eliminating additional IT means. Benefits of the same are highlighted below:

No ERP-focused IT resources required with online financial software

A hosted ERP formula takes away the requirement to have an IT resource dedicated to the ERP program. Experience says that often times the IT department really does not want much to do with the ERP system anyway, so that is just fine for them. All IT related issues having to do with running and your hosting provider should handle maintaining your ERP system.

Minimal footprint for web client

The ERP software program is typically function within a data enters; therefore, the consumer programs need to gain access to the system is minimal. They deploy ERP systems using MS Terminal Services or Citrix. Both of these methods require a minimal footprint on the client device, so there is no big software installation and configuration involved when a new user is added to your system. Software conflicts are minimized as well.

Support outsourced

Your host company have to deal with any kind of support you may need for your ERP program. This includes connectivity support, resolving system errors, and other system performance related issues. Service packs and upgrades included.

Your hosting provider of online financial software should update both the infrastructure and application software for you. This includes service pack and hot fixes, as well as version upgrades. This is a part of the MY GP cloud standard hosting agreement. These should all be scheduled at off-peak times to minimize service disruptions. Any planned service disruptions should be scheduled with users in advance.

You are likely to receive all of these amazing benefits when using a hosted ERP system just like my GP cloud.

To receive any specific help or even tips associated with cloud accounting and  Online Great Plains stop by -

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Related Information : Web based accounting software on