In the month of September'2012, MY GP Cloud one of the largest providers of hosted Microsoft Dynamics Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions, cloud accounting announced professors at the University of Wisconsin-Stout. Wisconsin’s Polytechnic University accepted My GP cloud as a classroom demonstration tool to display a state of the art ERP system and online accounting software solution Microsoft Dynamics GP.
“Professors were frequently searching for instructing tools to demonstrate real world examples for their students. Utilizing the free resources available from the Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance and leveraging on-demand ERP solutions from myGPcloud, professors are able to simulate models to facilitate business decisions in a classroom setting,” said Director of Academic Relations at MY GP cloud to the provider at the time of accepting it as a demonstrating tool. “The professors at the University of Wisconsin-Stout now using the tools demonstrate security features as well as discuss the roles each accounting personnel should have in a functioning business organization.”
Department Chair and Program Director for the Information and Communications Technology Department at the University of Wisconsin-Stout, commented, “To implement a system in just a few minutes is very helpful, especially at this time of year.” myGPcloud was made available only minutes after Professor signed off on the system deployment for his department to utilize as a demonstration tool.
Senior Instructor in the University of Wisconsin-Stout put in his reviews on how straightforward it was to install a fully functional Dynamics GP ERP system with, “Great implementation. Clean and Quick” myGPcloud is excited to continue to find innovative individuals at large academic institutions embracing cloud technology to expose future business leaders to the tools that will make people successful.
The University of Wisconsin-Stout is one of many higher learning academic institutions that have adopted myGPcloud in a classroom setting. Utilizing myGPcloud and Microsoft Dynamics GP on demand as a demonstration tool embedded within an academic curriculum is a proactive approach to continue to build the entire Microsoft Dynamics ecosystem. By giving students access to state of the art business solutions, students will be better prepared to join the workforce in their respective field of study.
MY GP Cloud is a top provider of cloud accounting as well as hosted Microsoft Dynamics ERP and CRM applications. The myGPcloud service includes all of the rich accounting, business-intelligence and financial-management features of Microsoft Dynamics® GP, as well as automated on-line provisioning, training videos and guides, template setups and technical support. Users can trial the service for one month, without cost, which includes full ERP capabilities such as manufacturing, supply chain, professional services and not-for-profit modules. The myGPcloud application is available in two versions: Business Essentials (plus) and Advanced Management (plus).
My GP cloud has more than 25 years experience in the ERP installation and execution area. Developed by the RoseASP team of hosted business solution experts, myGPcloud is an evolution based upon the company’s 10 years of experience and understanding of today’s mid-market business environment.
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